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Bootrec – Error Element Not Found

Kebetulan lagi sering ngoprek komputer dengan dual boot. gagal booting merupakan suatu hal yang biasa. Kegagalan yang sering ditemui ketika mau kembali ke bootloadernya windows adalah “error element not found”. Berikut adalah solusinya yang didapat dari link microsoft.

problem 1.  from “bootrec error – element not found” to “bootmgr is missing”
I made progress but still not there yet. In diskpart i used select part and then made partition active.Then rebooted and now it says something new “bootmgr is missing.” I used the win7 disk and now it does find my win7 installation. It still does not boot but progress has been made nonetheless.
problem 2.  from “bootmgr is missing” to “problem solved”
Using win7 disk to get to cmd prompt I typed bcdboot C:\windows /l en-us “enter” and that fixed or replaced bootmgr.

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